Install Water Pumps for Drinking Water and for Agricultural Production

Sector Health
Country Malawi
Location Kasungu District
Beneficiaries 191 000 individuals (95 000 female)
Duration 3 years (2018 – 2020)
Organisation Pump Aid, London

Half of Malawians do not access safe water and depend on aid to maintain water points. Even while being dependent on small-scale farming, only one out of ten farmers use irrigation techniques despite irregular rainy seasons. By motivating farmers to invest in agriculture pumps to increase yield and variety of crops, the project promoted their self-reliance. It moreover promoted entrepreneurial initiatives that contributed to providing masons and technicians with viable income earning opportunities in selling, developing and maintaining home owned water pumps. The project trained, mentored and supported entrepreneurs in business, technical and marketing skills, stimulating customer demand by focusing on the economic benefits of investing in irrigation and household water supplies, developing supply chains and links to finance.

Mrs Tsumba purchased a household water pump and had it installed in 2018. She shares the pump with five neighbouring families. © Pump Aid